Hello fellow bloggers. I would like to educate you all on dining out. You may not know it but there are rules to follow when eating out.
1-When your server greets you at your table it is always polite to greet them back. Do not ignore them it's rude.
2-When ordering your food try not to make a million modifications.
3-You may call your server by their first name. You may also call them miss, mam, sir or even get their attentions my saying excuse me. NEVER snap, clap or whistle at your server.
4-BE NICE. We may be "just servers" to you but by no means are we stupid or uneducated.
5-If your steak is not cooked right its not your servers fault, if your food is gross, it's not your servers fault, if there is anything wrong with your food chances are it's not your servers fault.
6-And finally... for the love of everything that is good and holy TIP YOUR SERVERS AT LEAST 15 PERCENT...AT LEAST. If you cant STAY HOME!
AMEN sista!
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