Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Julia is 3 going on 15!

Julia's quote of the week is... I was doing her hair yesterday and she was arguing with me on how to do it. She finally said, "you don't know me mom!" and I said, " yes i do your Julia Marie Green." She then said "Ya but you don't GET me!" My little bean thinks she is teenager already. If she is like this now, how is going to be when she really is a teenager! SCARY!!! She is a crack up.


Gardners Glad Tidings said...

Oh my heck - that's hilarious! Ya, the upcoming teenage years freak me out too! Love you!

Ernie said...

she is hiraylious!!LOL FOr anyone that doesnt know sound it out that is how Jules says hilarious. SHe is so funny! We had a great time in California.

Mama said...

Oh shoot that's funny!! Hey it's Blanchard by the way. I am so glad that you started blogging! Julia is maybe the funniest little person ever. I love her reaction to not going to strangers houses! I am not shocked that she is so funny. You are her mom after all.